⭐Attention All Parents⭐
Please remember @BBCScotLearnwill have Learning programmes at 10.00am for primary-aged children starting today . This is a great resource for home learning.
Please remember @BBCScotLearnwill have Learning programmes at 10.00am for primary-aged children starting today . This is a great resource for home learning.
Welcome back to all of our children, staff & families. Final term-we can do this! Please keep up the great work and remember you can check Study Ladder, Sumdog, Glow for activities & catch up with your teachers. We are really looking froward to hearing from you https://twitter.com/i/status/1252127389573881856
We’ve been awarded some funding to help with our food provision/grocery shopping/befriending services. Thanks to @FoundationScot@NatEmergTrust #RRR #NETCoronavirusAppeal
This is a fantastic resource for home learning starting from Monday.
FREE CHILDREN’S BOOK to download, print or colour in for kids at home. Please do share with any families with children at home. The link is here http://elisabethgifford.com
Click on the link below on how to access glow over the next few days I will be sending our usernames and passwords for P1 to P3. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/nl/ChristTheKing/2020/03/27/instructions-on-how-to-get-into-glow-microsoft-teams/
Support for parents/carers and young people: https://crowd.in/q2lraR The Education Psychology Service is also providing home consultation support to help manage stresses during this difficult time. t: 01236 812 380 10–3 M-F (leave a message and they will return your call).