NLCLearningHub @NLCLearningHub
Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge 9:24 AM · Apr 24, 2020·
Have a go with today’s Literacy Challenge 9:24 AM · Apr 24, 2020·
Have a go this morning with @WhiteRoseMathsand @bbcbitesize
Our parents/carers are doing an amazing job with home learning. Why don’t you write a note, make a card and share a shout out on Twitter and Teams to say a huge THANK YOU to your parents/carers today. Thank you to our parents/carers from all at CTK.
April Newsletter has been added to the blog and emailed to all parents. Click on the link below to view: Newsletter April 20
Dear pupil/parent/carer You will be aware that “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” has been adopted as the song that that says “Thank You” to the NHS and to all of the public services that have kept the country going during this difficult period and Thursdays at 8.00pm has become that time in the week when the country comes out to applaud the efforts of these dedicated professionals. The Music Education
Mrs McQueen has set a new Sumdog challenge starting TOMORROW. Are you up for the challenge.
Everyday activities help develop essential life skills and critical thinking… #SkillsforLifeLearningandWork #DYW
St. Patrick’s Primary New Stevenston@StPatricksPrim2 @motherwellre@rcmotherwell are well worth a follow and offer daily Religious Education support and will add a lovely spiritual aspect to our children’s day.
Mrs McLees has set you all a measure challenge on Sumdog to be completed by Monday.
NLLFootballDev@NLLFootballDev Tune into our Facebook live workout this afternoon at 12pm with our coach David. Don’t forget to tune in on our Facebook page at 12pm today for our fun live kids class. All you will need is a chair and any kind of ball. This session is suitable for kids of all ages and abilities. See you at 12pm ! NorthLanCouncil and 5 others