🌈⭐Isolation Letter November 2020⭐🌈

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope you are all safe and well.

As you will be aware the First Minister announced yesterday that North Lanarkshire will be entering into Tier 4 of COVID -19 restrictions from Friday 20th November at 6:00pm.

In school we are doing our very best to ensure we keep everyone safe here but please be assured that should any COVID cases occur we have very strict guidance directed by Public Health and our Education Team to minimise any impact to our school community. The measures and actions taken will depend very much on the individual incident but we will keep you fully informed as soon as we can. We will at all times ensure confidentially of individuals involved.

Here is a reminder of the Covid-19 measures in place to protect our school community, the importance of isolation and contact tracing and the need to be vigilant for Covid-19 symptoms.


If you or anyone in your household has symptoms of Covid-19, the whole household must isolate.  This is in line with current Scottish Government guidance. The person with symptoms should book a Covid-19 test and the household must follow the Test & Protect guidance in relation isolation appropriate to the test result. It is essential that you do not send your child/children to school if:

  • anyone in your household has symptoms
  • anyone in your household is awaiting a Covid-19 test
  • anyone in your household is awaiting Covid-19 test results
  • anyone in your household has a positive Covid-19 test result

Contact Tracing

Additionally, your child/children should not attend school if they have been identified as a contact.  If you are advised that your child has been identified as a contact, they must isolate for the whole time they have been advised to do so for.

If a person in the school is confirmed as a positive Covid-19 case, the school undertakes a risk assessment to identify any child or adult who has been in contact within the 48 hours prior to the person having symptoms or the date of their test, whichever is the earliest.  A contact is anyone who has been:

  • within 1m and face to face with the positive case for any length of time • within 1m for one minute or longer without face-to-face contact
  • within 1-2m of the positive case for any more than 15 minutes cumulatively.


This reinforces why it is really important that no child attends school if they or a member of their household has symptoms of Covid-19.

NHS Inform includes a Guide to Covid-19 Symptoms, and confirms that symptoms are:

  • A new continuous cough;
  • A high temperature or fever
  • A change in sense of smell or taste

Being aware of and following all of these measures will reduce the number of contacts a person has in the crucial 48 hour period and so reduce the number of children and staff that then require to isolate, keeping our schools and early years’ centres as safe as possible.

As always we will continue to keep you updated and thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Take care, stay safe,



Mrs Tierney



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