Week Beginning 07/10/19


Weekly Diary

Week Beginning- 07/10/19  
Monday 7th October
  •  Jotters Home
  •  10:00am Primary 7 visiting Civic Centre
Tuesday 8st October
  •   The Book People
  •   Jotters returned
  •   9:00am – Mrs Tierney Meeting with AFA
  •   11:00am – Educational Psychologist to meet with Mrs Tierney
  •   11:15am – Educational Psychologist meeting with parents
  •  Miss Forrester & Mrs Pattison – Assessment and Moderation twilight
Wednesday 9th October
  •   The Book People
  •   9:15am – Mrs Tierney & Mrs McLees at Cathedral Nursery Class
  •   AM – Miss Forrester Teaching Writing Course
  •   10:00am – Mrs Tierney & Mrs McLees SW Meeting
  •   6:00pm – 8:00pm – Parent Council AGM
Thursday 10th October
  •   The Book People
  •   11:00am – Woman’s Aid
  •   11:30am- 12:30pm – Sally Wilkinson Kodaly- P4/Choir
  •   1:30pm – Mrs Tierney Family Group Meeting
  •   3:30pm – 9:00pm – Parents’ Evening
Friday 11th October
  •  The Book People
  •   Mrs McLees – Taught Writing(am)
  •   Whole School Assembly – HT Awards/Achievements
  • October Break!
  •   NLC Leisure to promote activities during October week to visit assembly.
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