Summers On The Way!

Hey guys,

Sherbet here, although it does’nt really seem like summer is coming because of the weather but this year I am going to ‘Disney World Florida,’ so if anyone is going any where on holiday this year please comment and tell us where you are going! 😉

New Competition !

Hey SMARTIANS we have a new competition well really our last competition…sadly we are leaving school in a couple of weeks :(!!

the competition is….MAKE A SMARTIES BLOG JINGLE!!!

you have now till the start of June to enter, the prize is beyond amazing so make sure to enter this is what you need to do

Make up a jingle and and send us it make sure to write your name and class so we no who you are…..GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 []

(Incase your wondering a jingle is a short song such as “chapelhall smarties are the best we can beat all the rest!” something like that)


PLEASE   PLEASE   PLEASE    tell everyone you know about the Chapelhall Smarties because we are looking for tonnes of people to become devoted SMARTIANS!!!!!!!!! We are a school blog and we have about 3 smartians from our school so we really need you to tell all of your friends and family and neighbours and dogs and cats and hamsters parrots cousins grans uncles!!!! LITERALLY EEEEEVVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYYOOOOONNNNNEEEEE you know because if you dont then our blog is completely pointless. A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who comments on our blog       the Chapelhall Smarties  xx

hunger games :catching fire

hello smartians okay so if any of you know, we  love  this book trilogy called the hunger games and in november 22nd the second movie will come out.

this amazing author has made an award winning and major motion picture book that has more than enough publicity in the US

this book has a five star rating from me and kitkatchunky so what do you have to say about it 😉

Book Worm

Hi guys   in class we are writing our own novels ( big long books ). We all love to read and we know you do too. So we want you to comment and tell us what your favourite books are and any books that our lovely Smartians ( thats you ) would recommend. Thanks             Poppet xx

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