Category Archives: Responsible Citizens

Privilege Time Learning Clubs

We are delighted with the standard of behaviour  and effort from our pupils in the first few weeks back to school. Everyone has started the new term with a positive attitude and we are so pleased that no one has lost any privilege time so far ! We thank parents for your continuing support and encouragement.

The children have started their first block of ‘Privilege Time Learning Clubs’. The children were asked to chose from 5 clubs, stating their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. Most children received their first or second choice of club and enjoyed choosing from a wide range of fun activities.  The clubs run for three weeks at a time and the children will be encouraged to offer their ideas and suggestions for future clubs.

Celebrating Science!

This year our 3 House groups will be named after Scottish Scientists who have made  important contributions to our lives. We have recently held  elections for the three ‘House Captains’ and a member of the teaching staff will have a supervisory role for a particular ‘House group’. Everyone is encouraged to earn  points  and the House Captains add these  to the grand total each week.

House Groups for 2013-2014

Fleming House Captain – Megan McGivern

Balfour House Captain – Ruth Burns

Dewar House Captain – Billie Smith

The children will be involved in many interesting science investigations throughout the year and we will be holding a ‘Science In The Spotlight’ week in October.

Stay tuned for more information.

Super Sevens !

At Calderbank Primary we are committed to helping every child reach their potential. This term we are extremely grateful to all the parents and carers for supporting the introduction of the new home/school diaries. We are grateful for the parental feedback this term and have seen an increase in the amount of greens each child has achieved, showing the positive impact the daily communication between home and school is having on the children.

Each week all children are given privilege time as a reward for their good behaviour and effort. However, in recognition of the effort in maintaining this over a term, we felt it was important to introduce  an additional reward for all children who had managed to achieve 7 or over full green weeks out of the possible 10.

The Pupil Voice group meet to decide on the reward and the children received an inflatable fitness session and cooled down with an ice cream or ice lolly.

All the fun of the fayre !

What an amazing day ! The sun shone and the local community helped to make our annual Summer Fayre a tremendous success !

A huge thank you to Miss Lyndsey Smith for organising the event and to all the staff , parents and friends who  helped on the day. We were very grateful to everyone who donated prizes and who came along to share in the fun. Thank you to members of the Parent Council for helping with the preparations, your generosity is appreciated. Many parents and family members gave up their time and talents to help run stalls, face paint and cook delicious pancakes ; we couldn’t have managed without you. We appreciate all your hard work and support.

Local businesses were also extremely generous. We would like to thank  :-

• Greggs bakery for the cakes.

• The new owners of the local Premiere store for all the burgers, hotdogs, drinks and treats.

• Davidson’s cash and carry for their donations of drinks and sweets.

• The local pubs, The Post  & The Railway Inn for the drink donations.

• Mortons rolls for the cakes.

• Thomsontel for the toys and sweets.

• Bakersistars for the cupcakes.

• The local church for allowing us to use their car park.

We will post news of our fundraising total soon. Thank you 🙂

Playground Improvers!

Our mural is taking shape despite the rain ! We are hoping to complete our mural and the repainting of  all of our playground markings soon.

We are keen that everyone gets the opportunity to get involved in the painting and hope that all children bring in old clothes and shoes, if they haven’t already done so, to enable them to take part.