Congratulations Lauren King of S6 and Ryan Burrell of S4 for receiving Runners-Up Awards in their respective categories at the national YouthLink Scotland Awards Ceremony at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Glasgow. The gala occasion celebrated youth work across the entire country with the winners coming from as far afield as the Isle of Lewis, Aberdeen, Dundee and the Scottish Borders.
Lauren was one of two runners-up in the category Peer Educator of the Year, while Ryan’s success came in the Volunteer of the Year section. Lauren and Ryan were two of three finalists from North Lanarkshire schools, the third being David Cunningham from St Margaret’s High School in Airdrie. David was recognised in the category Role Model/Mentor of the Year.
Proudly displaying their awards, Ryan Burrell (extreme left) and Lauren King flank Mrs Jane Liddell, Head of Service within Learning and Leisure Services at the YouthLink Scotland Awards Ceremony. David Cunningham (St Margaret’s High School) is on the right.