Liam Dunnachie and Niamh Speirs of S4 played leading roles in the recent Allanton Jolly Beggars Burns Club Annual Burns Supper, held at the Cambusnethan Club. Elizabeth Totten, the Club’s President offered warm words of welcome to Niamh and to Liam and to Miss Claire Douglas of the English department, who accompanied them.
Liam proposed a witty, and often stinging ‘Toast to the Lassies’ in which he paid reluctant homage to the country’s ‘bonnie lassies’, much to the great amusement of his fellow males in the audience and the friendly hostility of the women.
Not to be outdone, and ensuring the ladies had the last and most powerful word, Niamh’s rebuff made it patently clear to all males present their very being and tranquility in life was down solely to the direction and leadership and superior intellect of their better halves!
The school would like to thank the AJB Club for their kind invitation and generous hospitality.
Mrs Elizabeth Totten (centre) keeps apart the ‘duelling’ Niamh and Liam!