Spotlight on Home Economics

Mr Keating set S1 Home Economics pupils the task of investigating the food, culture and history of Scotland. Pupils have been carrying out research in class, the school library and at home using a variety of books and websites. Each pupil has been asked to create an information booklet on Scotland and has been set the additional task of producing a bibliography listing the resources they used to retrieve the information. The finished booklets will be displayed in the library as part of the school’s, St Andrew’s Day, Celebration of Scotland.

One thought on “Spotlight on Home Economics”

  1. We worked from home, had some time in the library and used different resources such as books, magazines and the internet. We had to make our projects individually, and had to have a minimum of 20 pages, we had to work very hard! It was challenging to find topics that everyone would be interested in…yet we managed it! Mostly everyone had their projects in by the allocated time and our teacher provided us with different materials and resources that we could use. We had a lot of fun making these and are looking forward to making similair projects for different subjects in the future!

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