Halloween Disco

As always, this year’s Halloween Disco was a resounding success as pupils and teachers entered into the spirit of the occasion by turning up in an impressive array of ghoulish costumes! Congratulations to our S6 pupils who decorated the House Block and Dining Room, transforming the area into a spooky arena in which everyone danced the night away. After pupils survived the shock of the haunted cave entrance, they thoroughly enjoyed seeing the colourful and imaginative costumes on show. Liam Murray (Serial Killer), Katy Ramage (Washing Machine) and Heather Stewart (Hobo) picked up the prizes for the evening’s most imaginative costumes.

e-Mag reporter, Kym Crawford, gives her review of the night:

On the 24th of October, Clyde Valley High School had its annual Halloween Disco, which included special apperances by Miley Cyrus, Minnie Mouse (indeed more than one), a homeless person and a mummy. People won prizes and had a great time. The first years being it thier first party at Clyde Valley had a specialy wicked time. The three prices went to a hobo a washing machine and a box of grave (no not crave, grave the creal killer). It was a fritfully good night that everyone will rebember, a big thank you to tyhe sixth years who orainised and decorated the scary night.

Check out our gallery below with pictures from the night, along with Katy, Heather and Liam and with their prize winning attire!

S4 Work Experience

School was unusually quiet last week as most S4 pupils undertook a week-long work experience placement. Under the guidance of Miss Anushi Pathmanathan, Acting Principal Teacher of Work and Enterprise, pupils were able to select a placement from those available to the school or arrange one for themselves. The school would like to thank all parents and friends of the school involved in organizing the placements and, in particular, to all those businesses and organisations who accepted an S4 student on placement.

St Andrew’s Hospice Cheque Presentation

Margaret Donald and Lyndsey Craig from St Andrew’s Hospice in Airdrie were very welcome return visitors recently. The Hospice Schools Liaison Team members were delighted to receive a cheque for £3456, the total raised by staff and pupils who took part in the Hospice 6K run at Strathclyde Park. The total raised this year smashed the school’s previous record raised by more than £1000.

Some of the 90-strong staff and pupil team gathered at the front of the school to present Lyndsey and Margaret with the cheque. Before the cheque presentation, Margaret Donald made presentation on behalf of the Hospice. PE Teacher, Clare Hughes received a Certificate for being the fastest female athlete in the race. And, Louise Arthur and Holly MacDonald of S4 received recognition as St Andrew’s Hospice Champions for raising the highest individual amounts.

Clyde Valley 6K runners proudly watch Margaret Donald (centre), St Andrew’s Hospice Schools Manager, receive Clyde Valley’s cheque from Hospice Champions, Louise Arthur (centre right) and Holly MacDonald (centre left), with Lyndsey Craig (front left).

Fire Reach

Last week, five S3 pupils enjoyed a week-long citizenship programme delivered by fire fighters from the Scottish Fire Service.  Amanda Crichton, Eryn Tervit, Sylvia Lyttle, Shona Mooney, Lauren Hill and Aimee Hughes visited both Coatbridge and Cumbernauld Fire Stations to take part in a range of team-building and individual challenges.

The girls learned about the basic organization of all stations and how the fire fighters prepare each day for the emergency call-outs they will be likely to face. As well as learning basic first aid techniques, the girls also learned how to use hoses and other key items of equipment. All thoroughly enjoyed the experience and record their thanks to all of the fire fighters who looked after them so well during the week.

Parent Group

Linda Broadhurst, Vice Chairperson, welcomed a large turnout of staff and parents to last week’s October meeting of the Parent Group. Linda extended a very special welcome to five members of the school’s Pupil Council.

As part of the school’s involvement in the National Anti-Bullying Campaign, the group delivered an interesting presentation on how the school tackles bullying and anti-social behavior. S1 pupils, Cara Sinnett and Iona Orr were joined by fourth year girls Claire Megahy, Brook Morley and Emma Shillady to speak about their experiences in school so far. All of the group spoke about how the school promoted positive relationships and encourage all pupils to work in a culture of ‘respect’. They were able to highlight the high levels of staff supervision and the range of opportunities available to pupils during break times.

The girls also spoke of examples of bullying behaviour they had experienced, either directly or through their friends and explained how victims were supported and those behaving inappropriately were tackled. Parent members of the group fired many questions at the girls and were greatly impressed by their confidence and sincerity.

The Pupil Council members with some member of the Parent Group at last week’s focus on anti-bullying week.

Back row (from left to right): Claire Megahy, Cara Sinnett, Morgan Shillady, Brook Morley and Iona Orr. Front row: Marina Megahy, Pamela Ferry and Esther Craig.

North Lanarkshire Maths Challenge

Congratulations to the Clyde Valley Maths team who recently performed so well in the North Lanarkshire Maths Challenge, held at the John Wilson Town Hall in Airdrie. The third year team was the youngest of all the competitors, and finished in a highly creditable 6th place overall in the contest that involved all of North Lanarkshire’s 24 secondary schools. Elke Maclean, Liam Dunnachie, Louise Irving and Ewan Macdonald worked superbly as a team, tackling the various logistical tasks set during a demanding day’s work. The Clyde Valley team maintained the school’s proud record of delivering strong performances in this annual challenge.

Spotlight on Modern Languages

Over the course of October, S1 pupils have been intorudced to a selection of new and different languages from across Europe, all to coincide with the European Day of Languages. Pupils from Mrs McLeod’s S1 French class spent time learning phrases in German, Scottish Gaelic and Russian to give them a taste of languages other than French. Other classes learned Spanish as well as Italian. Pupils made posters with information about the different countries, and some of the pupils demonstrated their new language skills in front of the teaching staff at the European Day of Languages coffee morning.

Click on this post  or scroll down to see what some of the pupils had to say about the project!

Spotlight on Home Economics

Mr Keating set S1 Home Economics pupils the task of investigating the food, culture and history of Scotland. Pupils have been carrying out research in class, the school library and at home using a variety of books and websites. Each pupil has been asked to create an information booklet on Scotland and has been set the additional task of producing a bibliography listing the resources they used to retrieve the information. The finished booklets will be displayed in the library as part of the school’s, St Andrew’s Day, Celebration of Scotland.

European Day of Languages Coffee Morning

On the last day of term, staff and pupils of the Modern Languages Department hosted a special staff coffee morning to celebrate the European day of Languages. Pupils from S1 and S4 hosted and provided a fine cake and coffee treat for staff as well as demonstrating their language skills by addressing the gathered throng in a variety of European languages that included French, German, Russian, Gaelic and Italian!

A thoroughly enjoyable morning raised an impressive £256 which the pupils will be donating to MacMillan Cancer Care after the October holiday week.

S4 pupils and S1 get ready to serve staff an appetising fayre and speak in various European languages, during the school’s European Day of Languages Coffee Morning.

Sporting Success

Joanne Rae of S4 has continued Clyde Valley’s fine tradition of developing international footballers by being selected for the forthcoming Scottish Girls Under-16 international fixture away to Luxembourg. Joanne, am member of the Celtic Under 15 side, is looking to build on her success at District Level by securing her first international cap.

Joanne has recovered well from last season’s injury problems and her displays ass an attacking midfielder of forward have clearly attracted the attention of the international selectors. Joanne will fly out to Luxembourg with the Scotland squad on the 14 October and return three days later.

Everyone connected to the school wishes her every success with her debut as part of the Under-16 squad.

Joanne Rae, Clyde Valley’s latest international footballer

 Ross Kerr of 3H1 has followed up his recent success in Tae Kwon Do Tag Team Competition by securing another two silver medals, this time at the recent, Scottish wide individual event held at the Ravenscraig Sports Complex. Competing in the Under-16 category, Ross has achievement this impressive hat-trick of silver medals in less than three weeks.

Ross Kerr proudly wearing his Tae Kwon Do individual silver medals.

Wonderful World Club: One Planet Picnic:

Pupils in our Wonderful World Club have held an indoor picnic as part of the worldwide One Planet Picnic. This initiative aims to promote sustainability, by teaching pupils about foods that are not only healthy but the planet. The group ate an impressive feast of seasonal fruits and vegetables, including blackberries, apricots, celery and pumpkin biscuits before also enjoying the delight of Fair Trade chocolate.

The One Planet Picnic was part of the school’s Eco School programme and proved to be one of their most popular events to date.

Clyde Valley’s indoor picnickers with some of their seasonal feast (from left to right): Stephanie Park, Alison Dobbie, Amy Park, Louise Irving, Shona Scott, Samantha Adam, Jade Young and Ket Prabkhonchua.

Skill Force Uganda

Clyde Valley’s Skill Force Uganda adventure has started. After a 10 hour flight and an overland journey that took several hours, Instructor Paul Craig and fifth year pupils, Ryan Burrell, George Wilson and Jamie Semple have arrived safely in the village of Jinja on the banks of the River Nile.

The Clyde Valley group is part of a 7 student team, all Skill Force Prince’s Award Winners, who will spend the next 12 days painting rooms in the village primary school and helping to install a new oven. The boys have been sponsored by the Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund, a trust established to honour one of the best friends of both Princes William and Harry and who tragically lost his life in a road accident at an early age.

The Clyde Valley team prepares to leave Glasgow Airport at the start of their Ugandan adventure (from left to right): Paul Craig, George Wilson, Ryan Burrell and Jamie Semple.