Inter Generational Project

Over recent weeks, a group of third year pupils has enjoyed regular visits to the nearby Law View Senior Sheltered Housing complex in Overtown. Building on the contact of previous years, pupils and their new senior friends have been sharing thoughts on the modern way of love compared to that the older members of the group knew when they were teenagers.

The project aims to increase the interpersonal skills of the young people involved and increase the understanding of the two age groups. All of those involved are currently working on a dance project which includes dances from the different generations. This has included practising a traditional waltz and pupils demonstrating ‘Gangnam Style’ and ‘The Hucklebuck’ – all much to everyone’s amusement and entertainment. There has been a lot of lively discussion around dances and dates and clubs and parties!

The project has been a great success with everyone agreed they have been learning so much from their opposite generation! They hope to finish the project with a tea dance in the future. Esther Craig, our Home School Partnership Officer, and Mr Andrew Keating of the Home Economics and Humanities Departments coordinate this fantastic project and have had nothing but praise for the enthusiasm and interest demonstrated by all the Clyde Valley pupils.

Corey McMillan practises the waltz with his Law View dance partner, ‘Nan’!

Science Club

The Science Club goes from strength to strength, with high numbers attending the lunchtime sessions. Most group members have thoroughly enjoyed the recent topics, with only a handful thinking that dissection of animal organs may not be the best choice over a lunch time!

Miss Anushi Pathmanathan has been thrilled by the willingness to learn group members have shown and how fascinated they were when they were able to explore some of the animal physiology they had learned in theory in class.

Jamie Brownlie, Reegan-Jaye Boal, Paul Codona and Stuart Murphy demonstrate their dissection skills at a recent meeting of the Science Club.