Special Presentation

Carolina Richardson who has just left S6 made a welcome return to school last week to present Mr Sommerville, the Head Teacher, with a framed Scotland strip from one of her many international games with the Scottish Ladies Football team. The season just ended saw Carolina travel abroad twice with the Scotland Under-19 squad to take part in round-robin tournaments in Spain and in Austria. She also played in a tournament hosted here in Scotland. Carolina has represented Scotland at every age group throughout her entire secondary school career, always playing in the age group above her chronological age. Carolina wanted to present her last national team jersey to the school in appreciation for all the support and encouragement she received for her football throughout her 6 years at the school. The framed top now hangs in the main foyer of the school at the entrance to the theatre.


Carolina Richardson with the framed Scotland football top she recently presented to the school.

P7 Visits

Pupils from Primary 7 from our nine partnership primary schools enjoyed their two-day visit to Clyde Valley on Thursday and Friday of last week, Mrs Neilson, Depute Head Teacher in charge of the transition programme welcomed all of next year’s new S1 intake before they enjoyed a sample of the lessons they can expect to experience after the summer. The visit gave the pupils the opportunity to meet their likely classmates and to have their first real taste of making their way around the building, ably chaperoned by members if the Pupil Council and other pupil helpers.

Celebrating Success

30 second year pupils recently joined their counterparts from each of North Lanarkshire’s 23 other secondary schools for the annual Celebrating Success Day. All of those participating were being recognised for their high levels of attendance, excellent behaviour throughout the year, first-class effort in and out of the classroom in every subject area and for the general fine example they have set for their fellow pupils. All of the pupils enjoyed their day’s free entry to all of the theme park’s rides and returned tired, but buoyant.

Teen Ranch

Last week, a party of over 40 pupils from first and second year pupils enjoyed a 3-day visit to the Teen Ranch Outdoor Centre at Inchture in Perthshire. Mr Clark Govan, of the PE Department, and his staff team of Mr Purvis, Miss Pathmanathan and Miss Taylor worked alongside the specialist Teen Ranch staff as the pupils enjoyed a variety of outdoor and indoor activities. The party enjoyed glorious sunshine that simply enhanced the beautiful surroundings of this country retreat.

Pupils enjoyed leather craft and a wide range of indoor sports. Outside, the highlights were undoubtedly pony trekking, canoeing, water and grass sliding and archery. All of the children took part with great enthusiasm and developed a real team spirit during the visit.

The Teen Ranch has become one of the highlights of the junior school experience and this year’s group added their own endorsement to those of previous generations of Teen Ranchers by voting the stay a huge success.

Our pictures show some of the Teen Ranch activities enjoyed by the Clyde Valley youngsters.

Inter Generational Project

Over recent weeks, a group of third year pupils has enjoyed regular visits to the nearby Law View Senior Sheltered Housing complex in Overtown. Building on the contact of previous years, pupils and their new senior friends have been sharing thoughts on the modern way of love compared to that the older members of the group knew when they were teenagers.

The project aims to increase the interpersonal skills of the young people involved and increase the understanding of the two age groups. All of those involved are currently working on a dance project which includes dances from the different generations. This has included practising a traditional waltz and pupils demonstrating ‘Gangnam Style’ and ‘The Hucklebuck’ – all much to everyone’s amusement and entertainment. There has been a lot of lively discussion around dances and dates and clubs and parties!

The project has been a great success with everyone agreed they have been learning so much from their opposite generation! They hope to finish the project with a tea dance in the future. Esther Craig, our Home School Partnership Officer, and Mr Andrew Keating of the Home Economics and Humanities Departments coordinate this fantastic project and have had nothing but praise for the enthusiasm and interest demonstrated by all the Clyde Valley pupils.

Corey McMillan practises the waltz with his Law View dance partner, ‘Nan’!

Science Club

The Science Club goes from strength to strength, with high numbers attending the lunchtime sessions. Most group members have thoroughly enjoyed the recent topics, with only a handful thinking that dissection of animal organs may not be the best choice over a lunch time!

Miss Anushi Pathmanathan has been thrilled by the willingness to learn group members have shown and how fascinated they were when they were able to explore some of the animal physiology they had learned in theory in class.

Jamie Brownlie, Reegan-Jaye Boal, Paul Codona and Stuart Murphy demonstrate their dissection skills at a recent meeting of the Science Club.

Spring into Reading

A group of enthusiastic first year readers have been eagerly taking part in the ‘Spring into Reading’ challenge.

Pupils were set the task of reading one non-fiction book and two fiction books throughout March. On finishing their books, pupils were asked to write book reviews and post them on to the English Department’s GLOW webpage.

In April, those pupils who had participated in the challenge, along with Mr Purvis and Miss Barrowman OF THE English Department, formed a committee to judge the most interesting and informative book reviews.

The two worthy winners were Josh Mathieson and Stuart Murphy. Both Josh and Stuart produced confident and well written reviews. Josh assessed the latest ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ and ‘The Third Wheel’. Stuart enthused about the non-fiction book, ‘Ancient Egypt, Myths and Legends’. Stuart enjoyed reading about Ancient Egypt so much so that he was been inspired to read more non-fiction books. Josh recommends that his classmates read the latest Wimpy Kid edition, citing it as “very funny”.

Congratulations go to both boys who each received a book of their choice as a prize for their effort and enthusiasm.

Josh Mathieson and Stewart Murphy winners of Clyde Valley’s Spring Reading Challenge.

Goethe Institut Visit

30 S1/2 pupils, who are studying German, recently visited the Goethe-Institut in Glasgow. The Goethe is currently celebrating the 200th birthday of the world famous, fairy tale collection of the Brothers Grimm with a worldwide fairy tale exhibition for children and young people.

This fairy tale collection is one of the most important books in  Germany’s cultural history. It has been translated into 160 languages and became part of the UNESCO World Heritage in 2005.

The exhibition featured many interactive elements to allow the pupils to hear, see and experience a fairy tale forest. They were taken through the main themes and motifs of German fairy tales: magic and witchcraft, animals and heroes and the recurring question: How topical are fairy tales today? Pupils discovered heroes and heroines, mystery and suspense and some spine-chilling features of contemporary literature and film that serve as modern reflections on these ever recurring themes. They also had the opportunity to take part in a story – telling session

The pupils l became totally engrossed in the tasks they were set and they all found it a very useful as very enjoyable experience. The pupils were accompanied by their German teacher, Mrs Dorothy Delaney and Mrs Elaine Osprey, Principal Teacher of Modern Languages.

Some of the Clyde Valley pupils, enjoying listening to a fairy tale at the Goethe Institute in Glasgow.

Wonderful World Club

Ms Logan, Ms McGough and all the pupils in the ‘Wonderful World Club’ are continuing their excellent work in helping nature and the environment with their latest project. In response to the proposed cull of badgers in the wild in England, the Club have set about creating a petition to sent to Downing Street to show the strength of their feelings against the cull.

Notices have been issued to all staff and pupils, with House Teachers encouraging pupils to sign the petition and help the Wonderful World Club reach their target of 100 signatures.

To take part or show your support for the work of the club, see Ms Logan or Ms McGough for more details.

Science Club

Yet again, the Science Club at CVHS is going from strength to strength with more fun and interesting experiments taking place on a weekly basis. More recent adventures, however, were not for the faint hearted as the club turned to biology and undertook a kidney dissection experiment! The photos below show some of the brave pupils who took part.

If you would like to join the Science Club, see Ms Pathmanathan for more details.

Piping Success

Callum Cowan of fifth year has added another Bagpiping accolade to his long list of achievements. Callum is a well-established member of the North Lanarkshire Schools’ Pipe and won many individual piping awards. Callum has now been successful in securing a place in the National Youth Pipe Band of Scotland. This band takes only the very best pipers and drummers up to the age of 25 from across the entire country. Callum can now expect to play at a number of very high profile concerts in Scotland and abroad.

Public Speaking

Recently, pupils representing 8 of our 9 partnership primary schools provided one of the best ever Partnership Primary School Public Speaking Contests. In front of a packed theatre, the pupils wowed both the audience and the judges with the breadth and depth of their topics and the dynamic style of delivery.

The panel of judges comprised Mr Ian Sommerville, Head Teacher, Mrs Elizabeth Clarke, a former member of the Clyde Valley staff and the Reverend Graham Raeburn, School Chaplain. In summing up the thinking of the judges, Mr Sommerville extolled lavish praise on the young speakers and was delighted to confirm Kara Rutherford of Wishaw Academy Primary School as the individual winner. Her speech on the forthcoming Scottish Referendum edged her ahead of an impressive band of speakers.

In the Clyde Valley Junior Public Speaking event, Liam Dunnachie, representing Houldsworth House, won the overall individual title with a witty reflection of the battles of medical science with a speech entitled ‘We Are at War’. Leah Hannah was Jordan’s Houldsworth team mate.

Sneddon captured the House title with impressive performances from Rebecca Gault and Amy McLeod. Bobbi Kennedy and Caitlin Smith from Curran House helped ensure this year’s Junior School event was also the strongest for many years.

Clyde Valley’s Junior Public Speakers (from left to right): Caitlin Smith, Bobbi Kennedy, Rebecca Gault, Amy McLeod, Leah Hannah and Liam Dunnachie.

Geography Field Trip

Last week, S3 Geography pupils accompanied by Mrs Barrie, Miss Logan and Mr Conway visited Culzean Country Park on the Ayrshire coast. In the morning led by the Country Park Rangers, pupils carried out fieldwork along the shore line to find out about the geology and the processes which formed the various landscape features. They identified stacks, arches, raised beaches and headlands and a number of other land formations.

The Country Park Rangers were very impressed with the pupils’ knowledge and how well they answered questions. After lunch pupils carried out a visitor survey and were delighted to meet people from Australia, San Francisco, England and towns in Ayrshire. The pupils were a credit to the school and will now use the information they gathered to do follow up work in class.

Third year Geography pupils working on the Ayrshire beach, below Culzean Castle.

Yorkhill Cheque Presentation

Ali Reade, one of Yorkhill Children’s Hospital’s Fund-Raising Team was delighted to meet with some of the S6 pupils who took part in the school’s annual Charities Week event that raised £6,100 for Yorkhill. Mr Alan Carrol, Depute Head Teacher, described the week’s various activities to Ms Reade who congratulated everyone in the S6 team for their monumental efforts. She said,

‘It has been incredible to hear of the hard work and effort that the S6 pupils at Clyde Valley High School have put in to the 4 days of the Charities Week. I was very impressed to hear of the fun-filled fundraising week and can only imagine the dedication required from the S6 pupils. This donation will go a long way in providing the best medical care and support services from children and babies treated at Yorkhill Hospital and related services each year. Well done to everyone involved!’

Ali Reade receives the cheque donation from School Captain Eilidh McMath.

S1 Health Day

All pupils in first year enjoyed a day off timetable last week as they took part in the S1 Health Day. Throughout a busy and physically demanding day, each period, pupils moved on to a new activity. It was a fun-packed day and the school was delighted to welcome back so many former pupils who were acting as coaches, instructors and guides. Nathan Car, Darren Young, Laura Dudgeon and Stuart Broadfoot helped our Active Schools Coordinator, David Kennedy, to deliver the varied programme that included cycling, water sports, judo, orienteering and football.

 First year pupils and instructors are captured taking part in judo and water sports activities during the recent S1 Health Day.