S1 Celebration of Scotland

First year pupils celebrated St Andrew’s Day in style this year by taking part in an afternoon festival that celebrated all things Scottish! The Celebration of Scotland event was the culmination of months of hard work by first year who have been working on the theme of ‘Scotland, my country, my culture and my heritage’ across all subject departments. Pupils have carried out historical research, written reports on the economy and geography of our country, produced colourful art work, learned poems and songs, baked and cooked some famous Scottish dishes and brushed up on their Strictly Scottish Dancing skills!

While much of the work is now on display in the Library in a special exhibition, the afternoon of St Andrew’s Day was very much an active way of celebrating Scotland. Sometimes in House groups, but often as an entire year group, pupils devoured Irn Bru and shortbread, listened to Scottish poetry, belted out resounding versions of ‘Flower of Scotland’ and other well-known songs and energetically danced the ‘Gay Gordons’ and the ‘Dashing White Sergeant’. Staff and pupils gathered in the Games Barn for the final activity, the traditional singing of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. Many staff and pupils added to the spirit of the occasion by adorning a marvellous array of tartan clothing and Scottish sports tops!

Some of Clyde Valley’s first year pupils take a break from their ‘Scottish Strictly Come Dancing’ efforts!

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