Category: Online Resources

  • The Scottish Voice

    We had a demo in school of some software to help Dyslexic pupils. During the discussion the Scottish voice project was brought up. The Scottish Government funds CALL Scotland to provide a Scotland-wide schools licence for ‘Heather’ and ‘Stuart’ – a high quality Scottish computer voice from CereProc in Edinburgh. The voice is licenced for…

  • End of course surveys

    Well this year I decided to take the paper exercise, online. I have used survey monkey and even Glow in the past but this year I though I would give Google forms a try. [kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /] I will post some graphs of the results when they are all in

  • Photosynth

    This has been around for a while and I always meant to get round to using it but there was never the occation. Well this week our pupils have been hard at work creating and designing our new entrance space. We have used a blog to gather ideas and plan a wall display with all…

  • Muvizu

    I was looking for some easy to use 3d animation software, Alice is nice but not exactly easy to get into. I found a review on the register and it took me to Muvizu, what a cracking little piece of Windows software. I confess to not having used it for hours (yet) but first impressions are magic.…

  • Web Backgrounds & logos

    The web is full of sites doing backgrounds and logos, bgpatterns is nice and simple. The choice of images is quite limited but the tile effect is quite pleasing. Also don’t forget about cooltext.

  • Twitterfeed

    I am using to tweet the posts I am making in Glow blogs. The idea is to make sure that pupil followers on twitter get a prompt to check the subject blog. It would me nice if I could customise the post so it just said “Coltness PTICM Blog – <some URL>” . As…

  • How to make 3D images

    I had to share this article from NASA on how to make your own 3D images with a 2D camera. You will need a copy of Photoshop but if you check the Internet you should find article or two based on GIMPshop. Check out these samples.

  • Free Microsoft programs

    I thought I would share this article with you. It covers a range of free Microsoft products (or add ons) that you should find useful at all levels of education.

  • Some helpful advice

    OK so some people will be a little panicked by Tesco & a few other e retailers are dropping delivery to Scotland However, that doesn’t mean you should just buy from any old site. This video should help. Email offers are often too good to be true, be suspicious, for very cheap deals often turn out…

  • Minecraft

    Let me take you back to the early 90’s. PCs ran DOS and windows 3.1 was what you used to get Word working. 286’s were dead and 486’s were the new king (types of processor 80286 & 80486), no one had heard of a Pentium and graphics cards had 512KB of ram on them. This…

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