Creating an advert for the screensaver

So our new whole school photo screen saver is now up and running. There are still a couple of bugs to be worked out the system but these can be worked around just now.

The screens in the school are nearly all 4×3 aspect ratio. This means when you create your advert you need to think landscape. Powerpoint is your friend here as it allows you to create 4×3 landscape by default.

Instructions to create an advert.

  • Load powerpoint
  • Create your advert. Remember, it will only be on screen for a few seconds so keep it short and make it colourful so it stands out.
  • Save your powerpoint as normal, you might want to reuse it as a template.
  • Select file->save as
  • Change the save as type to JPEG and click OK
  • Chose a location and do you have more than one advert?
  • email the saved file to me 🙂

It’s that easy







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