Korea are planning ultra fast Internet access for their home market.
In the UK we get a few Megabits on our internet access (a bit is a 1 or a 0, a letter requires 8 bits to be sent. 1 Megabit = 1,000,000 bits). Korea are planning to roll out Gigabit (1,000,000,000 bits), this would allow them to access a lot of content very quickly. However, connection speed is not the only factor when connecting to the internet. The speed of the server you are connecting to and the number of users sharing the connection (contention), also play a huge roll in the Internet experience.
To give you some idea of how fast this is. The school computers are connected to each other at 100 Mbs (Megabits/second), Korea will have 10 times this speed connecting their houses together.
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