Tracking and Monitoring

Coltness Highjpeg_highSenior Tracking and Monitoring Policy 2015


In order to ensure everyone knows exactly how our young people are progressing, this policy has evolved over the last year, taking note of feedback from staff, parents, carers and our young people.


There will be six tracking and monitoring reports issued throughout the year.  The focus will be on homework, effort, behaviour and overall progress.

What and who is involved?

Learning conversations will take place between class teachers and our young people to ensure everyone understands what the tracking and monitoring information means.  PT Pupil Support will spend time discussing the whole report with their House Group and SMT will also liaise with their House Team to address any issues that may arise.

Whole School perspective

Every Tracking and Monitoring period will involve a whole school review with departments and SMT assessing progress and issues raised from each period.

What will Success look like?

A regular rigorous approach to ensuring all our young people are being supported throughout our school.  Communication between the home and the school will add to our provision of support for our young people.  Issues raised will be addressed as a result of consultation with next steps clearly put in place.

Tracking and Monitoring will identify areas required for action and for all stakeholders to see how our young people are progressing across the school.