Tag Archives: Sharing Learning

Primary 7 Junior Dragons’ Lair

Primary 7 enjoyed cooking up a storm with Scottish culture in mind. We were treated to Surprise Smoothies, Blueberry and Banana pancakes, Caledonian Crumbles, Saltire Cupcakes, Bannockburn wraps and delicious Oatcakes.

The children showed a mature attitude during their work on the enterprise project and enterprise skills were evident throughout. They researched Scottish events of 2014; Homecoming 2014, Commonwealth Games 2014, Ryder Cup 2014 and the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn. A decision was then made after investigating Scottish foods and then recipes were drawn up.

Everyone had a chance to cook and create their recipe and packaging. It was an exciting week in Primary 7 and the children were delighted with their creations.

Primary 7 World War 2 Assembly

On Friday Morning Primary 7 presented their learning from their World War 2 topic to the rest of the school.

It was very informative and presented very well. The pupils from Primary 7 decided what they wanted to share with their peers, wrote their own script and designed their own individual slides.

Well done everyone, you should be very proud of yourselves, you have learned lots about World War 2 and shared lots of your learning with the whole school.

Personal Research – Report Writing

Primary Seven are learning to write information texts and are preparing to write reports on a topic of their choice.

Their latest homework challenge is to do some Personal Research in preparation for the writing. So far the planning is going well and the titles are looking very interesting.

Some of the titles include:


William Wallace

Sea Turtles

Barcelona Football Team

Great White Sharks

Watch this space for news of how the task goes and some samples of the finished work.