Homework w.b. 3.11.14

Reading: Dark Isle – Chapter 1-5

Call of the Selkie – Chapter 1-5

Butterfly Lion – Complete given chapter.

Spelling – spelling words copied in jotter. Study in any way – own choice.

Maths: Negative numbers – On your given sheet.

Cones – write your own problems in the same format as the sheet.

Cubes – complete your sheet

R.E. – The Month of the Holy Souls – discuss those who have died that you wish to pray for.

Please note: Some children do not have appropriate indoor shoes – make sure shoes are practical and will not fall off during P.E. activities.

Letters: There are many letters still to be returned. Panto money is now due – £3.

Enterprise – our class poppies are still on sale. Friday sale will take place – bring lots of change. Letter to follow.