Junior Dragons’ Lair Final

Well done to our Junior Dragons’ Lair finalists, they attended New College Lanarkshire, Coatbridge Campus and presented their idea of ‘Caledonian Crumble’ to the Dragons. The Dragons were very impressed and liked the healthy twist on the traditional dessert that the girls put forward.

Joanna, Kelsey, Olivia and Danielle enjoyed their day out, they presented their pitch in the mai hall

Homework w.b. 24.3.14


Capital Letters / Full Stops Jammy Dodgers on the Run – Up to end of Ch 25

Commas – The Invisible Dog – Up to end chapter 7

Spelling – Children have been issued with lists and should complete an activity from the grid at the front of jotter.

Capital Letters / Full Stops – Set 7  once – guarantee

Commas – Unit 3 – 3rd and 4th column ‘ie’ and ‘y’

Maths – Fractions activity from grid at the back of jotter.

Remember £1 and onsie for Friday’s Movie day. SCIAF raffle tickets for class raffle still on sale, 10p each, Easter themed prizes!!

Jewellery sale will take place on Thursday and Friday. Items priced £1 – £2.50.

Visit to St. Margaret’s on Wednesday – week 2 of Science transition.

Fairtrade Fortnight in Primary 7

As Fairtrade fortnight came to a close Primary Seven enjoyed creating their Fairtrade snacks, they worked to create snacks that would qualify as a Fairtrade product for the Upper School competition. Some great ideas were presented and it was a very close competition, well done to Danielle who won in her category.

In Primary Seven each pupil has an extra responsibility, here are our Fairtrade committee representatives presenting the competition prizes at assembly.

The Week Ahead

We have another busy week ahead in Primary 7 with our first visit to the Science Department at St. Margaret’s on Wednesday morning, we can’t wait to find out what is in store for us in the coming 4 weeks.

After a great start to the Lenten Charity fundraising with the House Quiz on Friday, we will have our next event this week; Crazy Hair and Odd Shoe day on Friday and Mothers’ Day Bingo in the afternoon, remember to bring your £1.

Remember our class SCIAF appeal as well, raffle tickets will be 10p and there will be some Easter themed prizes.

Friday will also see a group of Primary Seven pupils going to Coatbridge College to compete in the final of Junior Dragons’ Lair – good luck girls – we know you will do us proud!