Homework Wed 3.12.14

As a trial Primary 7 will be issuing homework Wednesday to Wednesday, I hope you will support this.

Pupils should study their spelling list and demonstrate some strategies in their jotter.

Spelling – all groups have their list in jotter. Study and write a sentence/paragraph which includes an idiom.

Reading – Dark Isle – up to chapter 15.

Call of the Selkie – up to Page 65

Butterfly Lion – next 2 chapters

KM –

Maths – focus has been on multiplication.

Cones – Formal written method/grid method. Pupils can choose which they prefer. Parental help sheet included.

Cubes – formal written method and grid method examples.

World War 2 – Between now and December 17th pupils are asked to carry out some personal research on any area of interest within World War Two. Their finished product could be a poster or booklet which demonstrates their learning. Some time in class will be given to this task and books will be available from the school library.

School show – lines to be rehearsed – children have scripts in their bags.

Panto money – £3 now due.

Kilbowie, Transition and Young Scot letters now due.

Please ensure money for Christmas Lunch is  on Card for Tuesday 9th December.

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