A great spelling practice website that Primary 7 have been using to build vocabulary.
A great spelling practice website that Primary 7 have been using to build vocabulary.
A game by Donnamarie
This week we will continue our focus on prefixes (spelling) and similes (grammar). Try these games to help you practice your skills.
Prefix Matching
Well done to all the Primary 7s who enjoyed their adventures at Kilbowie last week.
Have a look over on the School Blog to see some photographs and read about what we got up to!
We have been working on Propaganda art work this afternoon. Have a look back to see our finished work.
We looked closely at the use of colour, the words that the government used and thought about who the message was for.
As a trial Primary 7 will be issuing homework Wednesday to Wednesday, I hope you will support this.
Pupils should study their spelling list and demonstrate some strategies in their jotter.
Spelling – all groups have their list in jotter. Study and write a sentence/paragraph which includes an idiom.
Reading – Dark Isle – up to chapter 15.
Call of the Selkie – up to Page 65
Butterfly Lion – next 2 chapters
KM –
Maths – focus has been on multiplication.
Cones – Formal written method/grid method. Pupils can choose which they prefer. Parental help sheet included.
Cubes – formal written method and grid method examples.
World War 2 – Between now and December 17th pupils are asked to carry out some personal research on any area of interest within World War Two. Their finished product could be a poster or booklet which demonstrates their learning. Some time in class will be given to this task and books will be available from the school library.
School show – lines to be rehearsed – children have scripts in their bags.
Panto money – £3 now due.
Kilbowie, Transition and Young Scot letters now due.
Please ensure money for Christmas Lunch is on Card for Tuesday 9th December.