Week beginning Monday 2nd of March 2015


Suns –   Chapters 1-3       Moons –   Chapters 1&2       Stars – Whole book


Vowels – seven, seventeen, clothes, garden, yesterday, swimming, sure, before, never, fruit, believe, decided, another, quiet and quite.

Consonants – learn, head, could, earth, found, there, were and number

Practice all common words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Complete worksheet. Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.


Complete worksheet. Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.

Use your multiplication grid to help you with your times tables.


Complete Forgiveness activity sheet.


Try to use your Stations of the Cross booklet to pray silently or with your family throughout the season of Lent.

Fairtrade Fortnight = 23/2/15-6/3/15

Remember to bring in Fairtrade wrappers throughout Fairtrade Fortnight and exchange them for a Golden Token for your house!

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.