Week beginning Monday 2nd of March 2015


Suns –   Chapters 1-3       Moons –   Chapters 1&2       Stars – Whole book


Vowels – seven, seventeen, clothes, garden, yesterday, swimming, sure, before, never, fruit, believe, decided, another, quiet and quite.

Consonants – learn, head, could, earth, found, there, were and number

Practice all common words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Complete worksheet. Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.


Complete worksheet. Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.

Use your multiplication grid to help you with your times tables.


Complete Forgiveness activity sheet.


Try to use your Stations of the Cross booklet to pray silently or with your family throughout the season of Lent.

Fairtrade Fortnight = 23/2/15-6/3/15

Remember to bring in Fairtrade wrappers throughout Fairtrade Fortnight and exchange them for a Golden Token for your house!

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.

Homework – Week beginning Monday 23rd of February 2015


Suns – Whole book       Moons – Whole book       Stars – Whole book


Vowels – chief, scorch, charged, butcher, stretch, watching, pitch, capture, mature and culture.

Consonants – scratch, kitchen, blotch, itch, butch, fetch, batch and ketchup.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the new booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Complete worksheet. Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.

Use your division grid to help you if you get stuck.


Complete worksheet. Remember to record all answers in your Homework jotter.

Fairtrade Fortnight = 23/2/15-6/3/15

Complete Fairtrade wordsearch.

Remember to bring in Fairtrade wrappers throughout Fairtrade Fortnight and exchange them for a Golden Token for your house!

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.

Homework – Week beginning Monday 16th of February 2015


Suns – Chapters 3&4       Moons – Chapters 5&6             Stars – Pages 4-12


Vowels – chance, cheese, challenge, kitchen, birdwatcher, blotchy, wretch, signature, temperature and furniture.

Consonants – match, ditch, patch, witch, stitch, catch, hatch and snatch.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the new booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Oral questioning of times tables from 6x – 9x

Useful Maths websites and links to visit for games and activities.










Complete worksheet. Remember to record all answers in your Homework jotter.


Discuss each scenario and record your answers on the worksheet.

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.


Homework – Week beginning Monday 2nd of February 2015


Suns – Chapters 2&3       Moons – Chapters 3&4             Stars – Whole book


Vowels – January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, quickly, important and mumbled.

Consonants – gave, take, how, many, cold, every, right and where.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the new booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Work out the answers to each calculation using the double and halve method that we have been learning in class. Remember to show your working and complete all answers in your Homework Jotter.

  1. 25 x 14 =     2. 35 x 12 =      3. 45 x 16 =       4. 15 x 26 =         5. 15 x 14 =


Complete worksheet. Remember to show your working and complete all answers in your Homework jotter.


  1. Complete water diary for one day out of your week. Record answers on the sheet and fold inside your Homework Jotter.
  2. Practice saying History of the Vikings poem aloud.


Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.

Term 2 in Primary 5

Throughout our second term in Primary 5 we have experienced lots of different learning opportunities. It has been a very busy and enjoyable time for the children. Here is a selection of photos to show off what we have been learning.
A very entertaining visit from Hopscotch Theatre Group to tell us the story of the St Andrew's Flag.
A very entertaining visit from Hopscotch Theatre Group to tell us the story of the St Andrew’s Flag.
Creating wax crayon pictures to sell at the Enterprise Fayre.
Creating wax crayon pictures to sell at the Enterprise Fayre.
Displaying our praying hands to remember our loved ones who had died.
Displaying our praying hands to remember our loved ones who had died.
Dressing up in our brightest clothes for our 'Be Bright Day' Fashion Show.
Dressing up in our brightest clothes for our ‘Be Bright Day’ Fashion Show.
Showing off our flexible moves during gymnastics lessons in PE.
Showing off our flexible moves during gymnastics lessons in PE.
Showing confidence to demonstrate a forward roll to the rest of the class.
Practicing our fluency skills by reading aloud to a partner.
Practicing our fluency skills by reading aloud to a partner.
Showing off our social dancing skills at our St Andrew's Day Ceilidh.
Showing off our social dancing skills at our St Andrew’s Day Ceilidh.
Enjoying a wee treat of shortbread and irn bru with our friends to celebrate St Andrew's Day.
Enjoying a wee treat of shortbread and irn bru with our friends to celebrate St Andrew’s Day.
Using mosaics to create bright tesselations when learning about shape in Maths.
Using mosaics to create bright tesselations when learning about shape in Maths.
Exploring the works of Escher to create our own tesselations using a variety of shapes and colours.
Exploring the works of Escher to create our own tesselations using a variety of shapes and colours.
Enjoying a question and answer session with an athlete from the Scottish Hockey team who competed in the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.
Enjoying a question and answer session with an athlete from the Scottish Hockey team who competed in the Glasgow Commonwealth Games.
Demonstrating our hockey skills during a practical session.
Pass the Parcel fun at our Christmas party.
Pass the Parcel fun at our Christmas Party!
Dazzling dance moves from the Christmas Party!
Dazzling dance moves from the Christmas Party!
We all enjoyed creating 'Elf Kisses' for one of our Christmas art lessons.
We all enjoyed creating ‘Elf Kisses’ for one of our Christmas art lessons.
Yum Yum!
Yum Yum!
We showed off our creative skills by making a great variety of Viking Longships.
We showed off our creative skills by making a great variety of Viking Longships.
Longships fit to sail the high seas!
Painting our own designs on our Viking Shields.
Painting our own designs on our Viking Shields.
Using coloured pencils and pens to design a Viking Shield.
Using clay to create different styles of Viking Jewellery.
Using clay to create a variety of Viking weapons.