Homework – Week beginning Monday 12th of January 2015


Suns –  Non-fiction text        Moons – Non-fiction text             Stars – Whole book


Vowels – Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Danelaw, Jorvik, warriors, monastery, weapons, terrifying and violent.

Consonants – chocolate, bounced, covered, carefully, mixture, poured, excited and whispered.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.


Complete worksheet. You can write answers on the sheet.

Remember to fold your sheet and put it inside your Homework Jotter.


Show and Tell – The Vikings

This term I would like the children to prepare a short talk about an aspect of The Vikings, which we have been learning about in class. They can choose from the following areas:

  • Viking invasions
  • Viking home life – family, jobs etc
  • Viking God’s

They will research and prepare a paragraph or two about their chosen area and then they will share their work as part of a talking and listening activity in class. I would also encourage them to draw a picture or bring in a photograph to share.

Complete show and tell task in Homework Jotter.

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.

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