Suns – Non-fiction text Moons – Non-fiction text Stars – Whole book
Vowels – Christmas, Easter, Season, birthday, centre, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, different, satisfied, juice, stopped, heard and their.
Consonants – have, before, said, could, because, school, every and know.
Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.
3D Shape Hunt
Find 10 objects in your home or local environment that are 3D shapes. Write down their names and describe their properties.
For example: 1. Block of flats = cuboid
A cuboid has 4 rectangular faces and 2 square faces.
Remember to write your answers in your Homework Jotter.
Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.