Homework – Week beginning Monday 10th of November 2014


Suns – Chapters 3&4           Moons – Whole book         Stars – Whole book


Vowels – almost, arrive, autumn, balloon, believe, brother, cousin, decided, enough, five.

Consonants – under, year, away, another, always, time, each, watch.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



Complete each calculation as a chimney sum.

1.  437 – 129 =            2.  284 – 139 =           3.  416 – 183 =

4.  639 – 254 =            5.  524 – 183 =            6.  341 – 158 =

7.  354 – 167 =            8.  436 – 187 =            9.  301 – 174 =

Remember to write your answers in your Homework Jotter.


Complete each calculation as a chimney sum.

1.  24 + 19 =               2.  48 + 19 =               3.  72 + 21 =

4.  46 + 19 =               5. 64 + 48 =                6.  58 + 26 =

7.  54 + 37 =               8.  87 + 15 =              9.  68 + 13 =

Remember to write your answers in your Homework Jotter.


Can you find out 6 facts about the Vikings? You may want to use the internet or visit the library to gather your facts.

Write your answers in your Homework Jotter.

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.