Homework – Week beginning Monday 3rd of November 2014


Suns – Chapters 1&2           Moons – Chapters 3&4             Stars – Whole book


Vowels – accident, below, cloudy, eleven, football, group, holiday, I’m,  I’ve,  playtime, practising, whispered, emotion, knew and biscuit.

Consonants – too, school, some, never, know, yellow, father and mother.

Practice all words using a fun spelling task of your choice from the booklet. Please choose a different task each week and date it to show when you have completed it.



108    135    437    348    666    376    188    366   218   109

Create 4 addition word problems using any of the numbers above.

Make sure you use a variety of addition vocabulary eg total, altogether, add etc

Work out the answers and show your working.

Remember to write your answers in your Homework Jotter.


Complete missing numbers task. Remember to write your answers in your Homework Jotter.


Choose a Saint to research and write a short paragraph about why they are special.

You may want to use the internet or visit the library to gather facts on your chosen Saint.

Please return all homework in your folder by Friday.