We are becoming more and more confident in our numeracy as the year progresses.
We can now:
- Count forwards to 50 (and beyond!)
- Count backwards from 50
- Say number after and number before to 30.
You can also practice this at home or in the car as a fun game. How far can you get?
We can also:
- Read numerals to 30
- Sequence numbers to 30
There are lots of games you can play online to help with this in the ‘useful links’ section.
We are really good at:
- Counting items to 10 (and many more!)
- Counting groups of items
We are getting better at:
- Recognising dice patterns quickly
- Adding numbers to 10
- Adding doubles
- Taking away up to 10
We are working on these skills and trying to do them ‘in our heads’.
We are now working on:
- Sharing into equal groups
- Describing equal groups