Eco Committee 2015/16

In Stanley Primary, our Eco Committee work extremely hard to make the school an environmentally friendly school, where all children try very hard to be GREEN!

We are working on 3 main topics this session, these are:
– Litter
– School Grounds
– Waste Minimisation

Meet the Eco Committee

Primary 1– Ava

Primary 2 – Grace

Primary 3 – Connor

Primary 4 – Scarlett

Primary 5 – Kate

Primary 6 – Euan

Primary 7 – McKenzie

Blogger  – McKenzie

Staff members – Mrs L Reid, Mrs Cosgrove, Mrs Hogg, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Borland

Parent Member – Mrs Walton

We have our meetings once a month on a Thursday.  We share our Eco ideas and plan environmental initiatives during our meetings.  We manage to do a great deal during our meetings!!!