Welcome back!

This week we started our new class novel ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by Maz Evans. We laughed our way through the first two chapters and we are excited to read on. We have learned a lot of new vocabulary from this book and we have been using different strategies to identify meaning. We also acted out scenarios using some of our new words which include; astonishing, jubilant, bellowed and compulsory. We have also begun discussion writing and have learned to explain what is meant by a balanced argument. We have been discussing whether or not healthy eating should be compulsory. Although we wouldn’t have total control over our food choices we would be much healthier and would save money for our NHS.

We also began our block of football in the new MUGA (Multi Use Games Area). We focused on passing the ball using the side of our foot and aiming towards a target. We finished with a game of last one standing which we really enjoyed.

In maths, we have been learning to explain what a percentage is and to convert fractions and decimals to percentages. We are looking forward to applying our learning to a real-life context next week.

We have been preparing every day for our assembly which will focus on plastic pollution and the impact it has on our environment. We are really excited for you all to see it and support us in our fight against plastic ♻️ 😀

Achievements for the Week

Our week was jam-packed with achievements. We all completed end of term assessments in maths and literacy and everyone has made fantastic progress.

Zaina was presented with the James Fairlie McGill Quaich trophy by the Largs Cronies. She was chosen as the overall winner in the cluster (Skelmorlie, Largs, Fairlie and Millport). We are all extremely proud of you. Well done again!

Zaina and Jack received certificates for winning the Creating Engineers –  K’nex Competition at Largs Academy. They have already begun preparing for the next round and we wish them the best of luck!

Charlotte and Sophie have been working hard all year to obtain a pen licence which they finally received this week in assembly.

Congratulations to Hamish who earned a merit for his piano solo at the Ayrshire Music Festival.

Reduce Your Use of Plastic! ♻️

In Primary 6, we feel strongly about saving our environment. We have been learning about the negative impact plastic has on our environment and ways in which we can help. We are working hard to raise awareness and we have written speeches to persuade you, the public, to get behind us and reconsider the ways you use plastic in your everyday lives. Have a look at some of our speeches and posters below. We will be creating our own petition in the upcoming weeks so please check back to support us! 😊

Doing Miss Armstrong’s Job

This week we have been helping our teacher in a number of ways. We have been proofreading a piece of text, correcting spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes and identifying ways of improving sentences. We discussed how proofreading is a profession and we feel sorry for Miss Armstrong who has to do this every night!  We will apply what we have learned to our own writing. Quote of the day by Thomas, “This makes my brain sore”.

In maths, we have been learning to add and subtract decimals using a variety of mental strategies. We have been discussing what strategies work best for us and why. We then applied our learning to design a room in Miss Armstrong’s new house. We were given a budget and had to browse the IKEA website subtracting each item we chose to buy from our budget. It’s surprising how quick you can spend your money!

As part of our architecture topic, we were learning to identify and explain the role of renewable and non-renewable energy. We had some very interesting discussions! We looked at the top 10 eco-friendly cities in the world and then applied our knowledge to design our own eco-friendly city that uses renewable forms of energy. We’ve not completed our designs yet but you can take a look below.

K’nex Competition

This week P5 and P6 battled it out for a place at the Glasgow Science Festival K’nex Competition. We observed some great team work and some fantastic designs. Good luck to Zaina and Jack who will be representing the school on Tuesday!

We Need a Sumdog Membership!

This week we were learning to use emotive language to write persuasively. We looked at examples in different texts and acted out scenarios using emotive language. We have been developing our mental maths through Sumdog both in home and in school and we felt that we would do even better if we had the full membership. We applied our learning to a real-life context and wrote a persuasive letter to MrsMcFee to convince her to buy Sumdog for the school. We hope she is persuaded by our writing 🤞 Take a look below and see what you think!

Update: We were successful and now have full membership 😊

Weekends are not for School!

This week Miss Armstrong played a massive prank on us. However, we forgive her as we produced some amazing writing from it. We received a ‘fake’ letter from North Ayrshire notifying us that we would have to come to school at the weekend to make up for the days missed as a result of the snow. As you can imagine, there were mixed emotions. We used our knowledge of persuasive writing to write to North Ayrshire Council persuading them to rethink their decision.  Take a look at our wonderful writing

Designing Miss Armstrong’s House Step 1

We have been learning to develop our problem-solving skills and apply our learning to real life situations. We learned how to find the area of regular and compound 2D shapes and used our skills to help Miss Armstrong design her new house. Using the floor plans of her new house, we had to calculate the area of each room in order to work out how many square meters of flooring she would have to buy for each room. She ended up choosing option C 😊

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