This week we started our new class novel ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by Maz Evans. We laughed our way through the first two chapters and we are excited to read on. We have learned a lot of new vocabulary from this book and we have been using different strategies to identify meaning. We also acted out scenarios using some of our new words which include; astonishing, jubilant, bellowed and compulsory. We have also begun discussion writing and have learned to explain what is meant by a balanced argument. We have been discussing whether or not healthy eating should be compulsory. Although we wouldn’t have total control over our food choices we would be much healthier and would save money for our NHS.
We also began our block of football in the new MUGA (Multi Use Games Area). We focused on passing the ball using the side of our foot and aiming towards a target. We finished with a game of last one standing which we really enjoyed.
In maths, we have been learning to explain what a percentage is and to convert fractions and decimals to percentages. We are looking forward to applying our learning to a real-life context next week.
We have been preparing every day for our assembly which will focus on plastic pollution and the impact it has on our environment. We are really excited for you all to see it and support us in our fight against plastic ♻️ 😀