Wb 22-2-2021

Week 7 of Home Learning, lets be having you!

Uploading Your Work

Please upload your work into your OneDrive folder each day.
Click here to see instructions on how to do this

Step Competition

Please continue participating in ‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’. I would like you all to take part in this as part of your school day. I have also signed up and will be taking part.

Sign up link: http://bit.ly/392KdLL
Track your weekly steps here: http://bit.ly/2XWefu3

Spelling Words

Spelling Challenge Cards

Monday 22nd February

**Miss Dobson in the hub**


  • Spelling Rotation: Dictionary work – please remember to set your work out the way I would expect it in class when completing this work. Remember that you may use online search engines to help you find definitions too.
  • Complete Key Comprehension (in your jotter, in sentences)
    Group 1: Return of the Deadeye (1)
    Group 2: Pancake Day – complete ** or ***


  • Circles, Kites, Squares
    Task: Kite & The Parallelogram (pg. 102-104)
  • Pentagons
    Task: Special Triangles (pg. 82)


  • PE/Daily exercise (30-45mins) – Joe Wicks, Run, Walk, Play, Yoga etc


Tuesday 23rd February


  • Spelling Rotation: Up-levelled Spelling Sentences
  • Reading (Session 2)
    Red/Orange group: Reptiles (pg. 16-25)
    Blue group: What Makes a Roller Coaster Roll? (pg. 13-28)
    Green group: When Will the Sun go Out? (pg. 12-21)
    Purple group: Why does Lightening Flash? (pg. 14-25)
    Yellow group: How to Lobsters Stay Young? (pg. 16-27)

Please ensure that you answer Bug questions fully and properly. I will be marking them after each session to ensure that you have done so.

Extension tasks: Guided Reading Challenge Cards


  • Circles, Kites, Squares
    Task: Which Quadrilateral am I? (pg. 105)
  • Pentagons
    Input at 11:30am: https://app.vscene.net/r/mKZgKK6Fxc
    Task: Parallel & Perpendicular Lines (pg. 1 & 2 – twinkl pages)



Wednesday 24th February


  • Spelling Rotation – Active Spelling (at least 4 activities completed please: Spelling Challenge Cards)
  • Grammar Task:
    Group 1: Adverbs (pg. 24)
    Group 2: Prepositions (pg. 17)



  • Circles, Kites, Squares
    Input at 11:00am: https://app.vscene.net/r/XemHz1GXyU
    Task: Perimeter & Area (pg. 67 & 68)
  • Pentagons
    Task: Parallel & Perpendicular Lines (pg. 3 – twinkl ws)


  • PE/Daily exercise (30-45mins) – Joe Wicks, Run, Walk, Play, Yoga etc


Thursday 25th February


  • Writing task —

Newspaper report on NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover landing safely on Red Planet .

Here are some extra activities to complete if you wish once you are done. You can use your reading book or a book you have at home.  Guided Reading Challenge Cards


  • Circles, Kites, Squares
    Task: RRR (pg. 106 & 107)
  • Pentagons
    Education City tasks



Friday 26th February


  • Reading (Session 3)
    Red/Orange group: read to end of book
    Blue group: read to end of book
    Green group: read to end of book
    Purple group: read to end of book
    Yellow group: read to end of book

Please ensure that you answer Bug questions fully and properly. I will be marking them after each session to ensure that you have done so.

Extension tasks: Guided Reading Challenge Cards


  • Circles, Kites, Squares
    Task: Sumdog Challenge, good luck!
  • Pentagons
    Task: Sumdog Challenge, good luck!


  • PE/Daily exercise (30-45mins) – Joe Wicks, Run, Walk, Play, Yoga etc
  • Downtime (mindfulness, colouring, drawing, watch a short tv programme)


Catch Up Time:

Please use any spare time today to ensure that you have completed all the work that you have been assigned this week. You should also have all of your work uploaded into your individual work folder on OneDrive by 3pm today.

As always, you know where I am if you need me.

Miss D x

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