PAThS Pupils

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Week 1




Week 2



Week 3

37 thoughts on “PAThS Pupils

  1. Ellie: I enjoy being around Ellie because she is very nice,kind and helpful.
    Lewis: you are very funny and you are amazing in nets.
    Fraser: I think you have a very good sportsmanship.

  2. Ellie: You are my BFF, you are really good at drawing and your really nice.
    Lewis C: You are a fast runner and are really nice.
    Fraser: You are a really good footballer and kind and helpful.

  3. Ellie-A REALLY lovley best friend very kind and helpful

    -Lewis C is very nice and a fast runner

    Fraser-is very kind and nice and helpful at our group


  4. Ellie- really good path kid and awesome at drawing

    Lewis c – he is funny and a good funny

    Fraser – he’s a good footballer and a good scense of humer

    They were all great paths kid !

  5. Ellie: you are one of the kindest people I no

    Lewis: you are very kind and funny

    Fraser: you are very funny and good help at our group

  6. Hayley: You are a lovely person and are really fair.
    Natalia: You are lovely and nice and you have really nice hair.

  7. Thanks to everyone for the lovely comments
    Now Ill give comments about the Other paths pupils
    Hayley-You are one of The funniest and kindest people I know
    Natalia-You have a great fashion sense and never fail to complete a task

  8. Ellie: Ellie is an amazing friend, a FABULOUS drawer and a kind-hearted person!
    Lewis: Lewis is a really fast runner and has an amazing sense of humour and always makes me laugh!
    Fraser: Fraser is an amazing footballer and a good friend!
    Hayley: You are a really good friend and have nice handwriting!
    Natalia: Your really sweet and have beautiful hair!

    So excited to see who the next PAThS pupil is!

  9. Ellie: Ellie is very friendly
    lewis: Lewis is a very good friend
    Fraser: Fraser is very funny
    Hayley: Hayley is very kind
    Natalia: Natalia is very funny

  10. Hailes you are one of my best friends and i’m glad you got to be PAThs pupil.
    Natalia you are a really good friend and i like your pink and purple hair 🙂

  11. Hailes you are one of my best friends and i’m glad you got to be PAThs pupil.
    Natalia you are a really good friend and i like your pink and purple hair 🙂 🙂

  12. Hayley you r kind and helpful
    Ellie you r very cheerful
    Lewis you r very fast
    Fraser you r good at football
    Natalia you r good at horse riding

  13. ELLIE- kindest person i know
    LEWIS-very funny
    FRASER-good at sports
    HAYLEY- one of my best friends
    NATALIA-beautiful hair

  14. Fraser: You are a very caring classmate and I don’t know what we would do without you.
    Hayley: You are a very funny classmate and I don’t know what we would do without you.
    Natalia: You have a nice sense of humour and I don’t know what we would do without you.

  15. James M: you are really good at maths and a great defender.

    James D: you are really funny and amazing at football

    Natalia: you have a great sense of fashion.

    Hayley: you are really kind and hillarious

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