Homework [wb. 9-5-2022]



  • We are able to lend you reading books now. Most of you will have the book for 2 weeks, just like before. Please see the table below for more info. I would also like you to complete at least 1 reading activity from the grid below.

Reading challenge cards: click here


  • Please spend at least 30 minutes on Sumdog at home this week.


Following on from our visit from the Eglinton Rangers last week, I’d like you to go on a nature colour hunt with your family and/or friends. Take pictures with your phone – I will let you switch your phone on in class to show me.


Can I ask that I have all of your P1 photos have been emailed to me before the end of the week please – I’d like to get started with the presentation but can’t do this until I have them all.

If you have any questions, catch me in class or send me an email

Miss D x