Home School Weekly Work


Every week log on to find the work activities that will be here for you to complete at home, whilst we are not at school.

I will also try and add the activities to the Team Chat for you to download or access too.

What will your week of work look like?



Each week you will have your spelling words to practice and continue to do spelling activities.


Please log on to Bug Club for reading books.

Also, I am hoping to do a novel study so that we are all working from the same book to ensure consistency in teaching.

Literacy /Writing

Literacy activities will be uploaded in bulk and you can complete the activities when ever suits you. However, aim to complete within the week as the next week activities will be uploaded.

P.S. you will not have all of the above to complete in a week it will be scattered to give you a variety to keep your learning fun and enjoyable.


Links to activities and games. Aim to play a

variety of games daily. especially SumDog.

I will try to upload worksheets (hopefully, if easy to do so)

Times tables

Each week please to continue to work on your timestables.

remember to practice counting along the way we would at school with our counting stick and mixing up the sums.

You can practice at home the activities we do in the school using a deck of playing cards and have fun challenging yourself with our play your cards right activity.

Health and Wellbeing

Whilst it is important to try and keep our learning going we must also take time to ensure our physical and metal wellbeing is being taken care of.

I have attached a youtube link for the Joe Wicks Gym lessons which are live at 9am each morning.

Also don’t forget activities like ‘Just Dance’ as well or zumba classes all available online (youtube)

Also, getting fresh air is also important and good

for your overall wellbeing so take walks and play outside just remember to keep a safe distance where possible.