
Explain the Game 

Today we invited P7a to come along and play our board games. The children had a great time explaining how to play the game and then having a turn.


P7a’s Invitation!

P7a were very kind to  invite us along to look at their fantastic ‘Food Chain Board Games.’ This was a great visit because we got some great ideas to help make our board games even better. 

Let the Planning Begin!

We have begun the planning process to make our team board game. Every groups game is completely different and unique, which has been great to see!

Stay Tuned for More!

Excellent Explanations

The children have been set the challenge to design a group board game and explain how to play their game. Before we begin to make our board games we were looking at different board games and test our knowledge on how to play them.


Insightful Instructions

We have  learning how to write instructions. The children were taking on the role of being the teacher and checking  the Success Criteria that we made,  to see if all of the instructions had included  the success criteria.

How to Write these super stories we have been incorporating  VCOP into our writing to make it even better.

You may be wondering, what does VCOP stand for?

VCOP stands for:

V – Vocabulary

C – Connectives

O – Openers

P – Punctuation

Heres a Mnemonic to help remember – Very Clever Old People. We use VCOP to help improve our writing and make it more detailed.


Developing a Character

In writing we have been learning how to create a detailed character description that not only describes their physical features but also their personalities. The children have had a great time bringing their characters to life using wow words and super Vocabulary.