Week Beginning 14th February 2022

Active Spelling

Can you use the active spelling tab in literacy to practice these words in different ways?

Can you now write a couple of sentences for these words or can you write a super sentence with more than one of the words in it?

Can you up level your sentences using VCOP?





This week each group will be given tricky words to focus on. Can you read your words and then complete a task to help you remember their spelling? If you want to challenge yourself why not try another groups’ words!

Fantastic Foxes


Clever Chameleons


Eager Elephants


whip treat fox
wheel meat box
whale steam mix
whenever sea fix
whistle read tax
whisper repeat six

Education City

Tally Trouble

Can you read the tally marks sheet and tell which one has been done accurately?

Superb Verbs

Can you find the verb in these sentences? Remember, a verb describes what someone is doing or what action is being taken. The boy ran to the slide.


Some of your books have been updated! Can you show off to someone at home?


As it is  short week I want you to have as much fun as you can on as many games as you can!

 Miss Johnstone and Mrs Robertson’s February 2022 homework Challenge

‘We value a North Ayrshire which has kindness and community spirit at its heart, where we look out for our neighbours and vulnerable members of our community and we take pride in our towns and villages.’ (North Ayrshire Council, 2019)

Your Challenge:  Through February, share with us a photograph of yourself/family showing acts of Kindness (after school/weekend) – for example helping with chores at home, holding the door open for someone, make a birdfeeder, helping a family member, taking care of our environment etc.

Tweet your photo tagging @WhitehirstPs or send it to Miss Johnstone (who will tweet it directly) gw09johnstonelouise@glow.sch.uk

We look forward to seeing all your February ‘kindness’ photographs.