We were divided into 2 groups to make shelters in the woodland at Eglinton Park.
First we had to choose a suitable site for our shelters. We stretched out the tarpaulin to check the size and then looked around for two trees to be able to attach it to.
We found large logs to pin down the tarpaulin and stop it flapping in the wind.
Group 2 decided to change their shelter around because the tarpaulin kept flapping in the wind and wasn’t big enough for everyone to go under. A good job in the end!
Next we learned how you could make a different type of shelter using sticks, grass, branches and leaves. We made a Wildlife Wigwam.
We went a walk along the river and looked for signs of Spring. We saw daffodils, snowdrops, primroses and crocuses. Buds were starting to grow on the trees and we could hear the birds singing in the trees.