

Mental Maths Strategies

We are developing our numeracy skills by learning different strategies for working out problems.  Some strategies we have been learning in term 3 are listed below:

Doubles Facts, we have been learning our doubles facts up to double 20 and then double multiples of 5 up to double 50.

Near Doubles, this means using your doubles facts andthen making a small adjustment, either adding or subtracting


Bridging a Multiple of Ten, This means splitting a number up to add or subtract to get to the nearest ten then adding or taking away the rest.  Sounds more complicated than it is.  Look at the illustration below.

Sometimes children are given a problem and they have to choose whichever strategy they think would be best for that particular problem.  This makes for interesting discussions.

Another vital skill for children is to know the    number bonds to 10 off by heart.  Quick recall helps with so many strategies.

Recall of Times Tables facts, we aim to learn the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables facts in Primary Three and corresponding division facts.

Catch up with us in Term 4 for more mental maths strategies.

We have been learning about and making different sets or groups of objects. We have then used this to help us learn our 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.

We used this knowledge to make arrays on our whiteboards and using objects.

February 2018

We have been learning to read, write and make 3 and 4 digit numbers and then compare them using the symbols greater than, less than and equals to. Numbergator helped us remember that he always opens his mouth to eat the bigger number.