
Scientist Stories

We have been looking at developing a more detailed character description and creating an atmospheric setting. We have enjoyed planning our stories.

There’s An Alien Under My Bed!

Imagine you were lying all snug as bug in your bed when suddenly you hear a rattling noise coming from underneath your bed! What would you do? Would you scream? Pull the quilt over your heads and hope it was all in your imagination? Or would you show courage and look under the bed? We have written some fantastic stories on the adventures of the alien that was under my bed.


Star Writers

We have been writing stories about an alien under our bed and have loved creating our story from using a plan. The children shared their stories with the rest of the class. We all shared out feedback and gave 2 stars and a wish to make our stories even better.

Sharing Learning

We have have had great fun sharing our learning by reading our fantastic stories to one another and peer assessing them. The children loved taking on the role of the teacher and asked if we could do this all of the time!

Star Writers!

The children have been writing super stories in class and have shared them with the rest of the class . We are really enjoying sharing our stories with the rest of the class.

Our Adventure on the Polar Express!

As Christmas is fast approaching we have been busy planning and writing our own version of the Polar Express. They are sounding great already through our planning work we have done together.

Haunted house for sale!

We have been writing our own descriptive stories using persuasive language . The aim was to describe the setting of a haunted house  and use persuasive language to entice some potential buyers!

 We worked collaboratively in groups to brainstorm ideas  using our 5 senses (sight, hear, smell, touch and taste) to entertain the reader about what you would find in the spooky house .

We all worked so well on this task and produced some terrific stories!

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How to Write these super stories we have been incorporating  VCOP into our writing to make it even better.

You may be wondering, what does VCOP stand for?

VCOP stands for:

V – Vocabulary

C – Connectives

O – Openers

P – Punctuation

Heres a Mnemonic to help remember – Very Clever Old People. We use VCOP to help improve our writing and make it more detailed.


Developing a Character

In writing we have been learning how to create a detailed character description that not only describes their physical features but also their personalities. The children have had a great time bringing their characters to life using wow words and super Vocabulary.