Internet Safety Day


Today is Safer Internet Day! We are learning about how we can help make the internet a better place. 

Celebrated globally,  today is a great opportunity to talk to your family and friends about the safe, responsible and positive use of technology, and to ‘give a smile’ to help create a kinder online community.  
Across the day, we’re delivering a range of exciting activities to engage children, young people, parents and carers in the dangers and also the enjoyment of using the internet. 

Team Taylor’s Top Tips for staying safe online:

  1. Be the change

    Play your part in making the internet a better place. Be positive, show respect and help people if they are upset.

  2. Be sensible

    Always tell a trusted adult if you are ever worried or upset by something that happens online. They are always there for you to ask for help if you are unsure about anything you see online.

  3. Be careful

    Keep your personal information safe and check with an adult before you share anything online. Personal information includes your email address, phone number and password.images

  4. Be aware

    Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps you use. Look out for buttons that let you block, mute and report other users who aren’t behaving.

  5. Be a detective

    The internet is full of brilliant things to watch, explore and learn from but not everything or everyone online can be trusted. Think carefully by checking at least three different websites for your information and talking to someone about what you have seen to see if they agree.

  6. Be safe

    Never agree to meet up offline with someone you only know online. No matter how friendly they might seem or how well you think you know them, they are still a stranger. Always tell a trusted adult if someone online asks to meet up.


    As part of our Internet Safety Challenge we investigated what is safe to post online and what is not.