Pupil Comments


Please use this page to share what you have been learning about throughout your year in Primary 3.


As discussed in class here are the list of the questions we came up with to reflect on each week: 

  • What have you been learning about in class this week?
  • What would you like to find out about next?
  • List something that you now know that you didn’t know at the beginning of the week.
  • What have you enjoyed learning about  or taking part in this week?
  • Is there something that you are really proud of yourself for achieving?
  • What has helped you fix a challenge you faced? 
  • Have you got any suggestions to help make your learning better?

A note from Miss Taylor: When writing a comment on our Class Blog, please don’t forget to check your spelling and punctuation. Your comment should be written in sentences that make sense and have capital letters and full stops. If you are not sure, ask an adult to check your comment before publishing. 🙂

178 thoughts on “Pupil Comments

  1. I liked the Millport trip because the playground was cool. It had a sand pit and dens. For the maths homework I counted the money for my holidays. I counted £112 in coins and £360 in notes.

  2. hi miss taylor sorry i can’t do my homework because i don’t have internet / wi fi ps i can’t cop with out it

  3. I thought the hagis would be discussing but it wasn’t it was lovely 🍴🏠🍹🍸🍚🍪🍓🍒🍖🍞🌰🍄🍐🍈🚺😁😎😋😋😋😋😋

  4. Hi Miss Taylor

    My Gran and Papa went to Hong Kong at Christmas and New year and I have souvenirs that my mum and dad says I could bring in if we are doing anything to celebrate Chinese New Year (28 January 2017)

    ⛩ 🇬🇧🇨🇳🎉⛩


    1. Hello Alfie,
      That would be lovely Alfie please do!
      We are all missing you in class and hope you are feeling better soon 🙂

      Have a lovely weekend,

      Miss Taylor

    1. Up in the top right hand corner you will see a part that says Howdy, Millie. Hover over it and go down to the Edit my Profile. If you scroll down you will see the part where you can insert an image. I hope this helps, if you have any difficulty let me know and I can help you.

      Miss Taylor

  5. Hey Miss Taylor and class 3a…

    Macauley’s mum is loving the blog… Especially the music even if a little late 🙈😂

  6. Well Done everyone for taking the time to leave a comment on our blog! There are some fantastic ideas coming though, that I am sure will make a great addition to our blog.
    Keep up your hard work!

    Miss Taylor

  7. Well Done everyone, you have posted some super ideas! 😀
    I am glad you are enjoying looking around our blog. Remember, if there is anything you think could make the blog even better just let me know.

    Miss Taylor 😀

  8. I had great fun showing mum and dad everything we’ve been doing in class so far.

    We thought the blog is great and enjoyed looking at the many pictures.

    My dad suggested we could improve the blog by having some of our class to read out any new comments we receive and take some fun selfies. 📸 🙈🙈

  9. Hi Miss Taylor
    I am enjoying our blog but I think it could be beter by pulting the star of the week on our blog

    Emma milroy

  10. Hello Miss Taylor

    I enjoyed the show practice at Kilwinning Academy this week and singing all the Christmas songs. I’ve looked up the songs on YouTube!


    1. Fantastic work Cameron! I am so impressed with how good the primary 3’s sound. You were all fab at Kilwinning Academy.

      Miss Taylor 😀

  11. Hello everyone!
    Please use the leave a reply button at the bottom of the page to leave a comment.
    Thank you.
    Also, feel free to leave any suggestions or ideas to make our blog even better! 😀

    Miss Taylor

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