Maths and Numeracy


Money Matters!

The children have been given a budget to spend for a birthday party. They as a group need to decide what they want to spend the money on.


Today we had a Boys vs. Girls all about Money quiz!

There were 3 rounds

                Boys                           Girls

ROUND 1 – WORD PROBLEMS                  2                                  0 

ROUND 2 –  TOTAL THE AMOUNT            3                                  5

ROUND 3 – WHICH IS THE RIGHT            0                                  5


Well done to the girls team for winning the quiz. Also, well done to both teams for their hard work! 🙂

Supermarket sweep here we come! Today we have been making amounts of money using the least amount of coins.

Happy New Year! We have begun 2017 with a bang! We have been putting our knowledge to the test to see how much we can remember from before the holidays. the children enjoyed taking part in a carousel of activities.

This week we have been learning about the compass directions and using co-ordinates.

*Remember – Along the corridor and up the Stairs!


We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.

We have been counting how many Vertices (Corners), Surfaces (faces) and Edges the different shapes have. Also, we have been learning how to spell the 2D shapes.


We have become code breakers this week! We have been looking for patterns in Th,H,T,U to help solve the sequence.


We have been learning how to create our own bar chart. The children did a great job at displaying information. Also, the children gather data around the class and are now confident in using tally marks!


We have been looking at arrays and how to make sets of numbers.

We have been using lots of interesting resources to support us in our learning.

Have a look through our fabulous photos of some of the activities we got up to!

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As part of our homework challenge the we had to create our own array. We then came together with P3b and shared our learning together 🙂

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We have been looking at odd and even numbers. Also, we have recently read the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ (which the children loved!) So we merged the two together! the challenge was the children were split into 2 groups and when their number was called they had to run and find the next pair of pants to go on the number line depending on whether it was an odd or even number! We had soooo much fun! 🙂

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