Friday 25th November

learning-is-funWhat have you enjoyed learning about  or taking part in this week?

Kiera – Learning our 3 times tables!

We having been using a decimetre to help learn our 3 times table, the children did a fantastic job and almost all of us are now confident in our 3 times table! 😀

Max – This week we have been learning about the phases of the moon.

Millie – We now know that there are 8 phases of the moon.

All – There is a crescent moon, a gibbous moon, a full moon, a half moon and a new moon.

Scott – We have been comparing the thickness of the string to help make our snowmen.

Mylah – We have been doing some tricky mental maths strategies  –

Millie – partitioning  –

Max – that means splitting the number up.


Mylah –  we break it down into tens and units and add them up

25 + 35

/  \      / \

20 5  30 5

20 + 30 = 50

5+5 = 10

50 + 10 = 60

This week we have been practising for our Christmas show  and we did a great job.