Corrections Capital letter at the start of a sentence. spelling – learn about science. Full stop at the end of a sentence. Reply
the blog is good
I want to learn about the sea.
Hi miss Taylor I whoud like to lern spyes
Can we learn about Pecachoo and Charmander.
let the class learn about murphy and cats
I want to learn about England.
I would like to learn about butterfly`s.
Hi miss Taylor I whoud like to learn about dinosaurs.
by scott
I wood like to learn about portugal.
by katie and emma
About pokamon:}
we would like to learn about fractions
i lieek
I want to learn my 12 times table
I would like to learn about SPACE Max and Lewis .
i want to lern abute siynse
Capital letter at the start of a sentence.
spelling – learn about science.
Full stop at the end of a sentence.
I want to learn all about animals.