Scotland Fortnight

96d0869f9aa1b08c8b7f5161d63dfcaaCaptain Puggle

Captain Puggle flees his plane

Frae Tumshie Airport tae Bahrain

Gets the Smiths and their wee wean

Brings them aw back hame again.


Captain Puggle flees tae Barra

Skites aff like a shootin arra

But he’ll soon be back the morra

Pechin like a puggled sparra.


Captain Puggle’s oot o ile

Efter ainly twinty mile

Sae he has tae bide a while

In a field ootside Carlisle.


Captain Puggle jets tae Crete

Wi his neebor, Bowfer Pete

In the cockpit, Bowfer’s feet

Aye mak Captain Puggle greet.


Captain Puggle’s sellt his plane

Says he’ll never flee again

But next week he’s aff tae Spain

In his brand-new Buhlitt Train.


Matthew Fitt