Hi P3/4!
This week for reading I would like you to choose a book on Bug Club and answer the questions on it. Remember to try your very best and read the book carefully. I will be checking your answers to make sure you are answering properly.
You have all been doing amazing with your times tables this last few weeks. So I have set a multiplication challenge for you all on SumDog.
If you want more practice you can go on to Topmarks and play Hit the button.
What amazing facts we learned about Kilwinning last week. This week we have our trip to the Abbey Tower and hopefully the church as well. I would like you to have a go at drawing something you have seen during our trip. It may be the Abbey itself, the bell or an artefact we see while we are there. If we are allowed to see the church you may want to draw something from inside the church or a stained glass window.