Week Beginning 7/2/22

Hi P3/4!
The next 2 weeks are short weeks (4 days and 3 days) so our homework will run for the next 2 weeks, until Friday 18th February (Sunday 20th for those of you who prefer to complete it at the weekend). 


As it is digital week and no pen Wednesday for the next 2 Wednesday’s can you think of some way to do your spelling without using a pen/pencil and maybe incorporating some digital technology into your activity?


In class we will be drawing a settings map for the setting of Fantastic Mr Fox. We will then be making a 3D model of the map. At home, can you choose a book that you have read (or use one from BugClub) and draw a map of the setting? If you want to you would be welcome to create a 3D model of your map but you don’t have to do this. Here is a copy of the sheet we used for Fantastic Mr Fox. You can use this sheet or just use blank paper to create your map.

Fantastic Mr Fox Dahl Lessons – Page 5 and 6


This week we will be moving on to Data Handling. This means that we will be carrying out surveys, collecting data and creating and analysing different types of graphs. I have uploaded 6 games onto Education City, they are in the classwork section as we will try to do them in class as well. You will only unlock the next game if you complete the one before. P3s I would like you to complete at least 3 games. P4 I want you to strive for all 6.
I have also set a challenge on SumDog for 250 questions. This will last for 2 weeks. The skills are all set for Data Handling, the same as Education City. 


Digital Week

As it is digital week, I would like everyone to have a go at sending me an email. We will be doing this in class but I would like you to have another go at home. 
  1. Log into Glow using you gw_______@glow login.
  2. Click on Mail (on your Launch Pad)
  3. New Message
  4. To: Mrs Munro
  5. Add a subject
  6. Write me a message
  7. Add an attachment (optional)
  8. Send

Request for materials

This week and next week, we are going to have a go at creating a 3D model of the setting in Fantastic Mr Fox. We will need lots of materials to create the landscape. If children can bring in anything they could use to create this model, cereal boxes, milk cartons (washed), egg boxes, yoghurt pots and anything else they can think of.


Don’t forget about Mrs Robertson and Miss Johnstone’s kindness challenge for February. Here are the details again.