Hi P3/4!
I have really been missing you this week but I will hopefully be back at soon. Mrs Rowan says that you have all been amazing, helping her out in class as well as doing your best with your learning.
Keep going with your spelling words and thinking of lots of new ways to practice them. I have been enjoying your emails this week so keep them coming.
Well done to everyone who logged onto BugClub this week. I have been on and written comments on your answers.
This week, I would like you to choose a book, it can be BugClub or a book you have at home. I would like you to choose a character from your book and write a character profile about them. Mrs Rowan will give you a sheet to take home.
I also want you to keep reading as much as you can so try to log onto BugClub and read another book, remember to answer the Bug questions.
Scots Poetry
Don’t forget to keep practicing your Scots poem as well. We will choose our finalists on Friday 4th February and judging with Mrs Robertson and Miss Johnstone will be on Monday 7th February.
I can see from last week that not many people have logged on to SumDog or Education City. Well done to those who have logged on and had a go.
This week I will set a SumDog challenge and I want us to focus on accuracy. This means answering as many of your questions as correctly as you can. I will give out some extra group points for the top 5 people who have the highest accuracy score. This doesn’t mean the people who answer the most questions, it will be the people who answer the most questions correctly. Bonus points will be available for those who can complete the challenge as well.
Miss Johnstone and Mrs Robertson’s February 2022 homework Challenge
‘We value a North Ayrshire which has kindness and community spirit at its heart, where we look out for our neighbours and vulnerable members of our community and we take pride in our towns and villages.’ (North Ayrshire Council, 2019)
Your Challenge: Through February, share with us a photograph of yourself/family showing acts of Kindness (after school/weekend) – for example helping with chores at home, holding the door open for someone, make a birdfeeder, helping a family member, taking care of our environment etc.
Tweet your photo tagging @WhitehirstPs or send it to Miss Johnstone (who will tweet it directly) gw09johnstonelouise@glow.sch.uk
We look forward to seeing all your February ‘kindness’ photographs.