Hi Guys and Girls,
Spring is here!
Wow! I can’t believe that we are into March this week. What a quick term this has been so far. Keep up the good work with all your homework. You are all doing amazing!

This week we will be finishing reading Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and I would like everyone to write a review on it. Use the template that you have been given home. If you have lost your copy or if you would like another copy to do another book then you can download it here:

You are all doing amazing with your chimney/tower sums. I am so impressed. This week we will move on to carrying. Squares and Rectangles you are working on subtraction with exchange, remember to borrow if you don’t have enough in your ones or tens column. Circles and Triangles you are continuing with adding but this week you are going to be carrying over any extra tens or hundreds.

Mrs Robertson and Miss Johnstone’s March Reading Challenge