Hi P3/4!
Welcome back to homework! We are on term 4 so not long left until you are all P4 and P5s. You have all worked extremely hard this year so let’s keep that up for the last term.
Here are this weeks spelling words. We have gone over these in class so you should all know what they mean. Why not have a go at ‘Beat the Parent’, seeing as ‘Beat the Teacher’ is a game we love playing in class.
As you have all changed reading groups and levels over the last couple of weeks I have updated your BugClub and assigned lots of new books at your new level. Have a go at reading at least 1 book and writing a short summary of what happened.
We have been working hard on our times tables over the last few weeks. We have been learning how to make arrays and groups using different materials, both inside and outside the classroom.
This week I would like you to have a go at making some arrays at home. Can you write the multiplication sentence beside your array? Take some pictures and send me them on an email. We will recap our email skills this week as well.
Here is an example of some arrays you have made in class: